Welcome to Mirror-Times-Mirror.net, a production of Mirror-Times-Mirror Trans Media in conjunction with Bod Library-On-Line, imaginary subsidiaries of MAPA Systems, a sole proprietorship registered in New Mexico since 1979 (when it was also parent of Land of Enchantment Game Company & soon to enjoy a 25-year-run producing poetry-theater programs featuring “American Basho,” “Alias Aldo Leopold,” & other Chautauqua favorites).
With headquarters now in the Mirror-Times-Mirror Building in the heart of Periphery Center’s Mirror-Times-Mirror Triangle (formerly Elliptical Circle Oval Square Plaza Park Free Parking), Mirror-Times-Mirror Trans Media produces, represents, samples, mis-edits &/or simply mis-transmits materials net-snagged from other members of UPIPA, the Unnamed Peninsula Independent Press Association, including publications, radio stations, networks, & all forms of trans-media that can fit on a digital pinhead…[e.g., Mishuguna Telegraphy, Ghost-Writers In the Sky, Anonymous Posthumous Autobiographies, The Lead-free Bookshelf of Heavy Light Verse…].
Alas, thanks to the volume of trash & spam, this site automatically deletes comments without being read, let alone posted. Genuine would-be comments, responses, & non-junk contributions should be emailed instead to the Bod Library address given elsewhere on this site, with “M-T-M.net” on the “subject” line.